Oh my, I am such a bad blogger - I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since my last posting!
I have been (mostly) working on Hardanger the past two weeks. Here is part two of
Mamen's SAL, stitched in ecru and blue-grey.

When this SAL is done it will be finished into a lovely bag like this:

I have also started on the Hardanger Pillow kit that
Lee sent me. I have done all the Kloster blocks and started on the cross stitching.

Here is a closer view of the centre design:

Since I have not been doing such a lot of stitching I thought I would share some stitching that I did at school. I made this Candlewick pillow when I was twelve years old. We had to do it as a project for needlework class and it was supposed to be our project for the semester.
Of course, already loving to stitch at that age, I finished it within a week! My teacher didn't know what to do with me for the rest of the semester, so my mom had the idea of making an entire bedspread out of various blocks like these. The bedspread is packed away at the moment, so I will share some pics of that at a later stage.

Here is a close up of one of the hundreds (really something like five hundred!) Bullion roses on the project.

Here is a close up of the cotton lace and satin ribbon on the edges of the pillow. The lace and ribbon are repeated on the bedspread.

Well, it's a four day weekend here - I have a lot to do at home and hope to get some serious stitching done!
I hope you all have a good weekend and a Happy Easter!