The first one is this Beautiful Blogger Award, given to me by Cath (Stitching Chicken) and Vinniey (Sometimes I Stitch).

Here are the rules of this award:
1) Thank the person who gave it to you
2) Paste the award on your blog
3) Link to the person who gave you the award
4) List 10 interesting things about yourself
5) Pass the award on to 10 blogs and link to them
Here are the 10 things about me:
1) I'm left handed
2) My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 years - we were in the same science class in high school. He is Dutch.
3) I am currently working on my third degree in Medical Science and plan to start work on my PhD next year.
4) I'm of Dutch, German and Italian descent and my home language is Afrikaans, which is derived from Dutch.
5) I am a huge Sci-fi and Fantasy fan. I'm a Star Trek nut job and I enjoy many other sci-fi series. (Stargate Universe starts again next month - yeah!)
6) I have lived in the same house all my life.
7) I did Ballet for 14 years.
8) At work I am privileged enough to work with people from many countries, including South Africa, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Australia, The Gambia and Cameroon. We also have collaborations with laboratories in the US, The Netherlands, Norway and France.
9) I enjoy a variety of music, including classical, Gregorian chants, pop, hip hop and lots more. My favourite band is the Black Eyed Peas.
10) I have visited New York twice to visit family and spent a lovely white Christmas there once. They have since moved to California.
Here are the Blogs that I nominate for this award:
1) Edit (Fuggosegeim)
2) Manka (Little Rose Cottage)
3) Lee (Flores no Jardim)
4) Karen (Karen's Handiwork)
5) Olga (Olenka's Stitches Blog)
6) Jackie (Scattered Threads)
7) Ulla (Stickzeit)
8) Margit (Margit's kleines SchokiStubchen in der Blogwelt)
9) The Shabby Stitcher
10) Lonneke (Life with Skipper)
The other award I received is the Sunshine Award and was given to me by Jackie (Scattered Threads).
Here are the rules for this award:
1) Put the logo on your blog or within your post
2) Pass the award to 12 bloggers
3) Link the nominees within your post
4) Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog
5) Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award
Here are the 12 blogs that I nominate for this award:
10) MBroider
That's it for now! Enjoy the rest of the weekend and Happy Stitching!